EPS Seismic Isolation Engineering Experts
Protect Against Earthquake Damage
The world’s largest governments and corporations in over 25 countries rely on EPS engineered Continued Functionality seismic solutions to protect their most important buildings, bridges, and industrial facilities from earthquake damage. https://bit.ly/3349tP7 EPS has three principal engineers each of whom has 30 year’s professional experience specializing in implementing state-of-the-art seismic isolation for Continued Functionality. EPS’ Friction Pendulum™ isolators are engineered for each application considering the site specific seismic hazards, facility type and use, seismic damage limits, structure strength, and construction costs.
Caution is needed when implementing seismic isolators sold as being “code compliant”, but not compliant with the Continued Functionality Standard. https://goo.gl/h82Fnk These “code compliant” isolators have created many very serious collapse hazards, instead of minimizing seismic damage as they promise. These isolators typically are not even code compliant. https://bit.ly/2QvuhFA When EPS is selected as the seismic isolation engineer at the beginning of a project design, EPS designs its isolators to limit seismic damage to conform to the Continued Functionality Standard, and provides guaranteed isolator prices and guaranteed on time delivery. EPS also guarantees its isolator prices are lower than those of any alternate isolators having equivalent capacities, properties, and reliability as proven by testing in accordance with the Continued Functionality Standard. Most other seismic isolator companies have been selling ineffective isolators, which claim compliance with the building code, but do not comply with adequate isolator product standards, and do not protect against earthquake damage.
Earthquake Protection Systems’ mission is to apply our pendulum isolator technology to the design and construction of facilities that can function after earthquakes, “Continued Functionality”, and that also avoid the economic losses associated with severe earthquake damage. Using Triple Pendulum seismic isolators, it is now economical to build facilities to protect contents, non-structural components, and structures from damage during the most severe earthquakes. With expert seismic isolation engineering, new construction for Continued Functionality can cost less to build than minimum code traditional ductile structures. Consequently, structures built for continued functionality are now economical and practical, and the logical alternative to minimum code structures that implement only the minimum life safety required by code. EPS is the clear world leader in Continued Functionality seismic isolation solutions. EPS has the highest engineering qualifications, most technologically advanced isolator materials, the broadest implementation experience, all backed by comprehensive isolator testing. EPS delivers Continued Functionality seismic isolation at the lowest cost, worldwide.

This 545,000 m² hospital, utilizes 1,512 Triple Pendulum™ isolators in it's design to remain functional after an earthquake.

Friction Pendulum™ isolators are the preferred seismic isolation solution for cold temperature because they maintain their design stiffness and damping in temperatures as low as -54ºF (-48ºC)

This airport in Istanbul, Turkey depends on Friction Pendulum™ isolators manufactured by Earthquake Protection Systems to keep visitors safe and the airport functional in the event of an earthquake.

This 545,000 m² hospital, utilizes 1,512 Triple Pendulum™ isolators in it's design to remain functional after an earthquake.
Friction Pendulum™ Seismic Isolators

EPS invented Friction Pendulum™ seismic isolation in 1985, and has made 35 years of continual improvements in materials, hardware, and engineering. Our patented Triple Pendulum™ isolators can limit damage to less than 2% of facility replacement costs. These Triple Pendulum isolators are multi-stage isolators that optimize seismic performance during small, medium and large earthquake events. They substantially reduce the cost of
delivering post-earthquake functionality. Each Triple Pendulum™ isolator is custom engineered for the unique characteristics of each facility type and use, structure type, site soil conditions, and site seismic hazards.
How the Loma Prieta Earthquake Shook Up Seismic Standards

How the Loma Prieta Earthquake Shook Up Seismic Standards

Triple Pendulum™ Isolators Explained.

Triple Pendulum™ Isolators Real-Time Shake Table Tests - E-Defense Japan

Triple Pendulum™ Isolators Real-Time Shake Table Tests - E-Defense Japan

Innovation in Bridge Design

Isolated Structure Compared to Non-Isolated Structure

Triple Pendulum™ Isolator - High Speed Test
Contact Us
Earthquake Protection Systems
451 Azuar Drive, Bldg. 759
Mare Island, Vallejo, CA 94592
Tel: (707) 644-5993
Fax: (707) 644-5995